Atari Pascal Error Messages

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1 Error in simple type
2 Identifier expected
3 'PROGRAM' expected
4 ')' expected
5 ':' expected
6 Illegal symbol
7 Error in parameter list
8 'of' expected
9 '(' expected
10 Error in type
11 '[' expected
12 ']' expected
13 'END' expected
14 ';' expected
15 Integer expected
16 '=' expected
17 'BEGIN' expected
18 Error in declaration part
19 Error in field-list
20 '.' expected
21 '*' expected
50 Error in constant
51 ':=' expected
52 'THEN' expected
53 'UNTIL' expected
54 'DO' expected
55 'TO'/'DOWNTO' expected
56 'IF' expected
57 'FILE' expected
58 Error in factor
59 Error in variable

64: Error while chaining. See page 69 of Atari Pascal Language System Manual.
64:88 Check that you have the correct APLS floppy disk in drive one.
65: Bad pseudo code. See page 69 of Atari Pascal Language System Manual.
66: Bad pseudo code. See page 69 of Atari Pascal Language System Manual.
67: Undefined pseudo opcode. See page 69 of Atari Pascal Language System Manual.
68: Stack overflow (program too complex). See page 69 of Atari Pascal Language System Manual.

99 MODEND expected
101 Identifier declared twice
102 Low bound exceeds highbound
103 Identifier incorrect class
104 Identifier not declared
105 Sign not allowed
106 Number expected
107 Incompatible subrange types
108 File not allowed here
109 Type must not be real
110 Tagfield type must be scalar or subrange
111 Incompatible with tagfield type
112 Index type must not be real
113 Index type must be scalar or subrange
114 Base type must not be real
115 Base type must be scalar or subrange
116 Error in type of standard procedure parameter
117 Unsatisfied forward reference
118 Forward reference type identifier in variable declaration
119 Forward declared; repetition of parameter list not allowed
120 Function result type must be scalar, subrange or pointer
121 File value parameter not allowed
122 Forward declared function; repetition of result type not allowed
123 Missing result type in function declaration
124 F-format for real only
125 Error in type of standard function parameter
126 Number of parameters does not agree with declaration
127 Illegal parameter substitution
128 Result type of parameter function does not agree with declaration
129 Type conflict of operands
130 Expression is not of set type
131 Tests on equality allowed only
132 Strict inclusion not allowed
133 File comparison not allowed
134 Illegal type of operand(s)
135 Type of operand must be Boolean
136 Set element type must be scalar or subrange
137 Set element types not compatible
138 Type of variable is not array
139 Index type is not compatible with declaration
140 Type of variable is not record
141 Type of variable must be file or pointer
142 Illegal parameter substitution
143 Illegal type of loop control variable
144 Illegal type of expression
145 Type conflict
146 Assignment of files not allowed
147 Label type incompatible with selecting expression
148 Subrange bounds must be scalar
149 Index type must not be integer
150 Assignment to standard function is not allowed
151 Assignment to formal function is not allowed
152 No such field in this record
153 Type error in read
154 Actual parameter must be a variable
155 Control variable must neither be formal nor non local
156 Multi Defined case label
157 Too many cases in case statement
158 Missing corresponding variant declaration
159 Real or string tagfields not allowed
160 Previous declaration was not forward
161 Again forward declared
162 Parameter size must be constant
163 Missing variant in declaration
164 Substitution of standard proc/func not allowed
165 Multi Defined label
166 Multi Declared label
167 Undeclared label
168 Undefined label
169 Error in base set
170 Value parameter expected
171 Standard file was redeclared
172 Undeclared external file
173 Fortran procedure or function expected
174 Pascal procedure or function expected
175 Missing file "input" in program heading
176 Missing file "output" in program heading
183 External declaration not allowed at this nesting level
187 Attempt to open library unsuccessful
191 No private files
193 Not enough room for this operation
194 Comment must appear at top of program
201 Error in real constant: digit expected
202 String constant must not exceed source line
203 Integer constant exceeds range
204 8 or 9 in octal number
250 Too many nested scopes identifiers
251 Too many nested procedures and/or functions
252 Too many forward references of procedure entries
253 Procedure too long
254 Too many long constants in this porcedure
255 Too manny errors on this source line
256 Too many external references
257 Too many externals
258 Too many local files
259 Expression too complicated
300 Division by zero
301 No case provided for this value
302 Index expression out of bounds
303 Value to be assigned is out of bounds
304 Element expression out of range
397 More than 16 FOR / WITH statements in a single procedure
398 Implementation restriction
399 Variable dimension arrays not implemented
400 Illegal character in text
401 Unexpected end of input
402 Error in writing code file, not enough room
403 Error in reading include file
404 Error in writing list file, not enough room
405 Call not allowed in separate procedure
406 Include file not legal
497 Error in closing code file
498 Implementation restriction
499 Implementation restriction
500 Non-ISO extension being used!
597 Implementation restriction
598 Implementation restriction
599 Implementation restriction

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