Tuesday, February 5, 2019


Table of Contents ] [ List of Example Programs ] [ PRIMES Disk Image ]

PRIMES is an example program from the Atari Pascal Documentation Version 0.0. This program is used for benchmark testing. It allows you to test execution speed (using a stopwatch) on various versions of Pascal, such as Atari Pascal, and Apple II UCSD Pascal.

In this program, these READLN statements simply cause program execution to wait until the user presses the ENTER/RETURN to continue.

The program was linked with the following:

Atari Pascal programs are RUN from the Atari Pascal Monitor menu. When run, programs do not clear the screen by default. I've added a "clear screen" (ATASCII 125) character, WRITE(CHR(125)), near the beginning of the program to clear the screen. Likewise, when an Atari Pascal program gets to the end, it DOES clear the screen and displays the Atari DOS 2.0S Disk Utility Package menu. I've added a READLN toward the end of the program to cause the program to wait for the user to press ENTER/RETURN before ending.

The output from running the program from the Atari Pascal Language System Monitor menu.

All work was done using Altirra 3.10. The program source was created and edited using AtariWriter80. The program was compiled, linked, and run from the Atari Pascal Language System Monitor Menu.


  1. There is a UCSD pascal for Atari 8-bit aswell

  2. Could you benchmark Atari Pascal vs Kyan Pascal vs Mads Pascal.


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